Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The NINES Hotel: Departure

Upon entering the bar (feels more like a night club) I pass between to gorgeous women. Both of whom work the door. No doubt eye candy to sing a sirens song and lure men to their credit card deaths. It's a good thing I am paying cash. As I walk in one says "you're looking hot and stylish". I thank her and move on oblivious to the nature of her compliment.
So I must admit that I feel as though I am in a first class private jet a la Diddy, Travolta, or some other A List celebrity. The seats are white, plush leather and I feel as though I could fall asleep despite the fact that they do not appear to recline, and that there are no movies to watch aimlessly.
Let's move on to the drinks shall we? Ok, I'm still working on the first one so we'll come back to the drinks and focus more on the people watching.
Ladies look good, have not talked to anyone. The earphones could give the impression that I want to be left alone and I can't lie, I do. Without jumping to conclusions most of the women have that "made up" look. It's the whole dressed to impress, but not a potential mate so much as the other women vying for the attention of the Brad Pitt's and George Clooney's they hope to meet over overpriced cocktails.
Back to these cocktails since unlike Too $hort, I'm not interested in any other "cocktails" tonight. I had a Sky something or other and the drink was fine minus the citrus strands I had to remove from between my teeth after every sip. Yes I know, I could drink my cocktail through a straw, but a straw is for stirring in my humble opinion.
Both bartenders were top notch. Friendly (not overly), polite, efficient service. I did see one looking up drink recipes, but good for him for not trying to make something he did not know. This marks the second time that I have been at the NINES Hotel and both times mistakes were made and fixed by the bartenders. I'll say this, if you're going to hire good help make sure they understand the meaning of "customer service". The people here clearly get it.
As I sip my vodka lemonade I thank Phil Breen for introducing me to this fabulously refreshing drink summers ago. Thanks Phillski!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Goldman Sachs

Funny how quickly people get upset (I know, I'm one of them)? This whole Goldman Sachs thing gives me a perfect platform to reflect. People of the U.S... you wanna do something about these companies with greedy executives? You wanna change the political landscape of America? You wanna take control of your life?
Well all I have to say is that electing the first African American president was fine and dandy. Whee, everyone is part of history now, but back to the point. Change does not come easily people, and not without a lot of hard work. In my experience "nothing worth having comes easy".
One of the main problems that I see in this country today is that we have become extremely lazy. America used to be known as the land of opportunity where hard work through democracy could make you as wealthy as you wanted. Dreams were becoming realized, and hard working people found success.
Now I see people also working hard, but working to scam, cheat, lie, steal, and fraud people out of their money. There is a Chinese proverb "fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me".
How many times are we going to allow bigger business in corporate America to pull an A.I.G.? So far we can go ahead and add Goldman Sachs to the list. Fannie Mae and Freddy Mack are on there too.
A lot of people are quick to throw any Tom, Dick, or Harry under the bus in troubled times, but who actually stood up and admitted voting for Bush/Cheaney? Or for their reelection? Yes, they are in part to blame, but look deeper into the "silent partners" of big business. Hello campain funding. Hello, corporate corruption.
I mean, have Americans become drones? It's no wonder other countries of the world have passed us up in education and the work force. We are seriously like the dumb jock in High School. Sure, we did alright in elementary school with our whole "I will bully you for your milk money", but that shit won't fly long. Now we are just laughed at and ridiculed for being muscle head dumb shits.
Do we honestly think that having a black president will solve anything? Look deeper. He too has commitments to big business and private parties. Do I think that Obama is a better president than Bush. Hell yeah I do, but do we as the American people still need to hold him accountable to his campaign promises? Yes!
Let me ask the Gay and Lesbian, Trans gender communities... are you happy with Barrack's acceptance of your lifestyle? I know I'm not and I'm a straight male! My sister has a "women for Obama" bumper sticker and I have to laugh my ass off since she is bi sexual and Obama pretty much says that he is not going to support gay marriage.
Now it should be noted that he has done some amazing legislative things for gay and lesbian rights back in Illinois, but admittedly he has said that his religious beliefs are going to dictate his stance on marriage in the gay and lesbian communities.
I'm jumping right into a lot of future blogs so I am going to wrap this one up with a quote from Gandhi: "be the change you wish to see in the world".

Sunday, July 12, 2009

The finer points of Portland

Where else on a Monday morning (otherwise known as Sunday night) at 1:30am can you get a hand made milkshake by a tattooed hottie who to quote Heather said "fuck it, I'll make you a vanilla milkshake"?
Bonus points for the fact that she had been closed for like an hour and was several beers deep into being "off the clock". As I sit here blogging I realize what an effing rad place I live and how cool people can be when you're just yourself and show some gratitude.
You're so welcome for the generous tip! Great service deserves recognition. If you've never worked in the industry you probably don't know how to tip, or what the definition of "hard work" really is. I can't count the number of times that some B.O.D. has been a 2 inch dick to someone just doing their job. It's the whole mentality of "I deserve this and you're here to serve me".
All I know is that I will never take for granted the fact that I live in a place where I have the choice to be cool, or a total bag of douche. Freedom does not suck peeps.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Ah the life of a hot 23 yr old...

So my friend Ashley calls me up from the bar Saturday morning at like 2am to talk trash and challenge me to a competitive game of one on one later on today before I go to work. I was chilling at the Hawthorne carts sucking down a vanilla milkshake from the crepe cart and fries from Potato Champion. Long story short I catch a cab to her place where I find out that she has lost her keys after a night out on NW 21st (insert gag reflex here). Talk about an area of Portland that is so not cool, but thinks they are. Pretension is as prevalent as car break ins.
Thank god for her iphone, or she would have been crying and freaking out! Actually the cell did not really prevent any of that. She was like a broken record on the "I can't believe this happened", "this never happens to me", "I am going to be in so much trouble" tip. I guess she lives in the same building as her boss and that means that part of her salary is housing.
Now her housing is pretty ridiculous. Downtown off of Burnside it's a 2 bedroom, huge living space, kitchen and bathroom with claw foot tub. Don't even ask how much I think that would rent for. I almost forgot to mention the absurd balcony off the living room!
Did I say that we finally got in the place? After effing around with this ladder that would not open up (it was one of those crazy six in one transformer ladders) I actually saw some traditional ladders out in front of Ashley's neighbors across the street. While Ashley was messing around in the backyard I went over and "borrowed" one to get up to the balcony where Ashley's door was unlocked.
It turns out that Ashley broke into the basement so it was all for not, but I could have done it and almost did just for fun if she had not been paranoid about the fact that I had "borrowed" the neighbors ladder (they had two just sitting outside).
Once inside I got the tour of her place we crashed. The next morning saw me cook a makeshift breakfast from scraps in the fridge (cheese omelet) and head back to work never even making it home. Thank you Saturday Market for having dope local artists and reasonable tee shirt prices!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Owning your own business

So it took me thirty years, but I have finally come to the realization that owning your own small business is where it's at. Currently I have two projects that I am working on. Both are level 7 security clearance and are highly confidential.
In other words: I could tell you, but then I would have to kill you.
Keep your eyes open, we're coming! 2010, the year of the King!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I love going back to old jobs that I have quit or been fired from. There is a certain satisfaction when you can return to a place where you voluntarily left, or were told to "piss off", and more often than not, were done wrong in the end (no unemployment, lost friends who were supposed to be your friends?, etc.).
It's like reconnecting with an ex after you have gone your separate ways and supposedly "moved on". The joy one feels from the "you left this and look at me now" resonates like the sun in a clear blue sky.
As I sit here perched in a stool at the window of the Stumptown Coffee off the ACE Hotel Lobby it all becomes clear why I left more than a year ago. Pretentious, fake, Holden Caulfields abound. Some on salary, some paid by the hour, most are patrons wanting to be "connected", or "associated" with the "cool", "hip", and the "new".
Before I get to some examples let me just say that there are no hard feelings. I would still have "ex sex" with several of mine (Tiffany you were amazing), so I feel no shame spending money in any establishment I have worked for previously.
Exhibit A: The woman who comes in alone. Young, twenty something "dressed up with nowhere to go". More than likely "dressed up with no one to go out with". One of those women who is waiting for her Brad Pitt looks, with Paul Allen money types to come and sweep her off her feet. A dreamer.
Exhibit B: Younger lady who is somewhere in the same age range as exhibit A, sans trust fund. She walks by with the longing eye stare of "I wish I had enough money to buy some coffee, but I spent it on smack". She's dressed with the times, but the clock has been bad to her and drugs have her number like she has her dealer's. Her face is aged by the meth, crack, cocaine, whatever? In the end, she's a real drug addict.
Exhibit C, D, E, and F: A group of horrifically dressed (think Meirer and Frank menswear section) 40, 50, 60 somethings milling about with cameras around their necks and crocks on their feet. The alpha male with a bluetooth in his ear seemingly talking to the group is actually carrying on another conversation with some other unseen B.O.D. (for the definition of a "B.O.D.) please see previous blogs). He finally ends his rude conversation and returns to leading the pack around like mules through the hotel lobby popping off random information about Portland and the hotel like he is some hired guide. The funny thing is that he has a room upstairs and has read a few brochures, maybe talked to a few of the staff at the desk, but is really up from the O.C. No, not Oregon City (locals), but Orange County, California. He is clearly a tourist.
Exhibits G, H, and I: 3 beautiful ladies rocking that NW style with tats, vintage dress, and minimal (if any) make up. They are all laughing and having a good time. Each one not concerned with any of the other bystanders opinions (no matter how I try to catch their gazes). Each comfortable in their own style and clearly here because they want coffee, not because they want to be "scene" (that's a pun for those of you who got a degree, but hated English and grammar). If I had to guess (or dare assume) they're all locals.
Exhibit J (well J 2 the C to be exact): He is I, and I am him. That being me, myself and I (you feelin' the De La Soul?). Mos Def I was a confused young male growing up trying to find an identity like everyone. I can recall running with the jocks because I played basketball and football (soccer), but also nerding out in the video tech room after class making movies and music videos. Without being too verbose (obvious oxymoron for a blogger), I've really begun "finding myself" and becoming OK with who I am.
No longer am I joining the military for my father, or going to private school or college for my mom. I am living my life and doing the things that make me happy. I have finally sold my SUV (had some good times in the Pathfinder, just ask Karen) thanks Gwen! I now ride an Eddy Merckx bike that literally flies and really is "the Ferrari of bikes" (thanks Dave from Poland, Maine). When I am not doing that I am on my Jeff Kendall, old school, Santa Cruz, skateboard. F@#$ Zummies and any other "mall" purveyor. While mainstream America appreciates you bringing skateboarding to the masses the rest of us enjoy supporting local spots like Cal's (not to be confused with Cal's Pharmacy), and Shrunken Head skate shop. Buy from people who actually skate posers.
Self assessment: I once was lost, but now I'm found. How about you?

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Respect your elders and they will enlighten you

So I knew that falling off of my skateboard happened for a reason this morning (around 2am). After returning to work a bloody mess and administering first aid to myself I was reminded again what true selfless kindness is.
Woody works on our night freight crew at Arbor Lodge and is an incredible man with an amazing daughter Bridgit who works with me at the front end. Woody after seeing me limping around the store with bandages all over my hands insisted that I sleep on the couch in the break room and let him drive me home when he got off shift at 6am.
After much resistance, (ok not that much) I let him drive me home and the conversation was worth the $5 bucks he would not take when I offered. Woody is a pretty cool guy as are so many people that I have worked with here at New Seasons Market.
He was raised in a military family where education, respect, and discipline were stressed. With his own family he has taken a similar trek, yet along a different path. Raising six daughters I believe he has no doubt taken on an Atlas type burden. A challenge I would later than sooner take on myself; if ever.
His advice in raising children into responsible, respectful adults is evident in his oldest Bridgit. While he struggles to help develop the younger family members you get the sense of a man who has truly lived and wants nothing more than to provide and help his family succeed.
Thank you Woody, you're an inspiration to me and I have nothing but the utmost respect for you.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Skateboard RAGE!

So today I thought that I was being green by riding my skateboard and that Portland being the cool, left leaning, eco friendly city it is would show me love...
Well leave it to some B.O.D. (bag of douche) in his Ford F2u/me/and anyone else not driving to honk and flip me off at the intersection of Hawthorne and 12th on the east side. Even with his Oregon (possibly stolen and definitely expired) plates I knew he was not from here because there was a "Big Hogs" sticker in the window behind the bench seat (no gun though?). Now I have watched enough college basketball/football to know that this jack@$$ was from Arkansas.
Disclaimer: NOT EVERYONE IN ARKANSAS IS A B.O.D. but this tool is, was, and probably will be for the rest of his life.
So below is something that every driver/bike rider/citizen of this fine city should read. Now before you go stereotyping skateboarders like the gentleman who pulled over in Sellwood (my hood) to yell about me skating down 17th during "rush hour" traffic the other day.
After pulling his foot out of his mouth when I got off my board and came over to have a polite discussion on the matter (not to shove my foot up his...) he learned that I am an intelligent, tax paying, resident and not some "punk kid" (well maybe a 30 year old punk kid).
So do me, and all of the other skaters who obey traffic laws, know our rights as cited in the city ordinance, and who are talented enough to not just ride bikes, but green, four wheeled vehicles not powered by the American consumerist drug of choice (oil) and check out the following:
(City Ordinance 16.70.410)

The day after...

So I don't know about you, but I feel fine. More than likely because I did not get the chance to go out and bbq with everyone else in the city I know. Thanks work, you know that paycheck you give me bi monthly? Well it pretty much only makes me happy twice a month. The rest of the time I have to drink beer, cappuccinos, and lay at the pool for a few hours just to get by.
To quote my sister via text message: " i.mso drunk i can fell my tongue or me ita all good.!" Glad to see that my college educated sister still can't spell, or use proper grammer in her everyday life, but hey, it's not like as a nurse she is on the hook for anyone but herself!
Changing subjects randomnly... some friends Liz and Julia are moving to THE NYC and I am sad (more so pissed) about the whole situation. I just got done at the Vita on Alberta and it was cool. I wish that we would have gotten to hang out more and play tennis and scrabble.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

Another year, another weekend of work. Not that I mind, double pay is nice when supplementing your income and in these economic times who would not want to? Besides, when the biggest challenge at work is trying to stay awake and not look as bored as you are, who is going to really complain about more foot traffic?

It's like bitching about the weather. "Portland rains too much", then when summer comes and the sun finally does come out it's like, "it's too hot, wanh, wanh!" For all of the beautiful, friendly, bike riding, green conscious people in this city there are just as many whiny, bitchy, transplants, or even locals who seem to be moronically ironic in their opinions. I really hope that I'm not one of them, but please let me know if I do cross over to the oxymoron side of the blogosphere!

Well, blog one is complete and we'll see how many readers I get. This may just end up being a creative outlet. Have a great 4th and I'll see you for your groceries when you come in the store.