Monday, July 6, 2009

Skateboard RAGE!

So today I thought that I was being green by riding my skateboard and that Portland being the cool, left leaning, eco friendly city it is would show me love...
Well leave it to some B.O.D. (bag of douche) in his Ford F2u/me/and anyone else not driving to honk and flip me off at the intersection of Hawthorne and 12th on the east side. Even with his Oregon (possibly stolen and definitely expired) plates I knew he was not from here because there was a "Big Hogs" sticker in the window behind the bench seat (no gun though?). Now I have watched enough college basketball/football to know that this jack@$$ was from Arkansas.
Disclaimer: NOT EVERYONE IN ARKANSAS IS A B.O.D. but this tool is, was, and probably will be for the rest of his life.
So below is something that every driver/bike rider/citizen of this fine city should read. Now before you go stereotyping skateboarders like the gentleman who pulled over in Sellwood (my hood) to yell about me skating down 17th during "rush hour" traffic the other day.
After pulling his foot out of his mouth when I got off my board and came over to have a polite discussion on the matter (not to shove my foot up his...) he learned that I am an intelligent, tax paying, resident and not some "punk kid" (well maybe a 30 year old punk kid).
So do me, and all of the other skaters who obey traffic laws, know our rights as cited in the city ordinance, and who are talented enough to not just ride bikes, but green, four wheeled vehicles not powered by the American consumerist drug of choice (oil) and check out the following:
(City Ordinance 16.70.410)

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